Tampa, FL
Tampa's heritage trolley system is one of the larger and more successful new starts to date. This site has followed the line's development through the planning and construction phases and since operation began in 2002. Follow this link for a Project
Description of
the Tampa heritage trolley system written late in the development phase.
The following photos were taken during the Subcommittee's meeting in Tampa in December 2007
New development along the Tampa streetcar line includes this Hampton Inn sited directly opposite the carbarn. |
At the north side of the Tampa carbarn more new construction was underway in late 2007. |
A series of new residential buildings have been built along the streetcar line near the harbor. |
A recent addition to the Tampa heritage streetcar fleet is this open car, built by Gomaco at the same time as the Lowell fleet. |
Tampa Birney 163 is an original Tampa car thoroughly restored by volunteers. It operates on special occations. |
The next planned extension of the line will extend from the current end of track to the downtown towers ahead. |
The following photos of the system in operation were taken shortly after the line's opening in December 2002:
A car waits to start its journey at the temporary southern terminus, behind the city's hockey arena. |
Near the cruise terminals, the towers of downtown Tampa are visible in the background. |
An unusual feature of the Tampa operation is that cars use left hand oepration at passing sidings. |
The future southern terminus, adjacent to the new convention center, is taking shape for opening in February 2003. |
Gomaco car 433 swings around the rotary with a cruise ship ready to provide passengers. |
The long stretch between the cruise terminals and Ybor city is segregated along the eastern side of a wide street. |
Negotiating the right to cross a track belonging to CSX has been one of the most difficult challenges for HARTline and the city. |
The carbarn is an impressive brick structure. Restored Tampa Birney 163 sits to the left. |
Number 431 heads for Ybor City across the track fan leading to the carbarn. |
On 8th Avenue in Ybor City the cars run along the northern side of a brick street. |
The station stop in fron of the new Centro Ybor commercial development is the busiest stop in Ybor City. |
The northern terminus in Ybor City is at the eastern end of the entertainment district. |
Presentations About Tampa Streetcar System
Follow this link for Presentations about
Tampa's streetcar system given at the Streetcar and Heritage Trolley Subcommittee's December 2007 meeting in Tampa.
Streetcars in Operation
On October 19, 2002 service began on Tampa's heritage trolley line after
18 years of planning and expenditures of $53 million. Click on Service Begins
for press coverage of the opening celebrations.
Planning and Construction of Tampa's Heritage Trolley System
The following news notes provide an overview of progress and plans for Tampa's heritage trolley
system as it was developed and as future plans unfold:
Click on the thumbnail images below of Tampa's evolving heritage line to expand them:
A map showing the planned trolley route. |
The first Gomaco replica double truck Birney on display along the future route. |
The public views their future transportation. |
Another view of the crowd. |
A clear view of the car resplendent in its yellow colors. |
Construction Photos - June,
Construction Photos - February,
Photos of the Tampa replica cars when under construction are included in the
Rolling Stock page of
the Planning section.
Click on Tampa & Ybor City Street Railway
to learn more about the volunteer group supporting the Tampa heritage trolley
project and restoring original Tampa trolleys.
For more on the Tampa heritage system click on: