APTA Streetcar and
Seashore Trolley Museum Logo
Heritage Trolley Site
Hosted by the Seashore Trolley Museum


In March 2013 the Federal Transit Administration conducted a workshop in Lowell, MA for the team planning the expansion of that city's streetcar system. The list of topics covered can be used as a checklist of topics for streetcar system planners to incorporate in their planning:

FTA Checklist

The following are a series of topics to consider when planning a modern streetcar or heritage trolley system. Click on each one for more detail:

Benefits of a Streetcar System

Response to Critics

Critical Success Factors

Financing a Streetcar System

Capital Funding

Operational Funding

Cost Saving Approaches

Types and Sources of Rolling Stock

Types of Track/Right of Way

Sources of Power

Safety Planning and Certification

Government Regulatory Considerations
