Safety Planning and Certification
prepared by Linda Meadow and Jim Graebner
What is Safety Certification?
- Process verifying that safety-related requirements are incorporated into
the design of all rail transit projects
- Process verifying and documenting that rail system elements have been
constructed as designed
- Written statement from Executive Director certifying that the system is
safe for public use
What is the Relationship Between System Safety and Safety Certification?
- System Safety: Application of management and engineering
principles, criteria and techniques to optimize all aspects of safety within
the constraints of operational effectiveness, time, and cost throughout all
phases of system life cycle.
- Safety Certification: Verifies compliance of safety certifiable
elements "turned over" to transit agency.
How do System Safety and Safety Certification Relate to Rail Projects?
- System Safety: entire project life cycle from initial planning
through operations
- System Safety Program Plan (SSPP): how the transit agency implements
system safety
- Safety Certification: planning, design, construction, start-up
- Safety Certification Plan: how safety certification program is
implemented — required by SSPP
What is the Role of the Federal Transit Administration?
- FTA provides funding for rail projects
- FTA requires state safety oversight for rail projects
- FTA representative in the field is project management
oversight contractor
- FTA has been given authority by Congress to regulate rail transit so will play a growing role in the future
Role of State Safety Oversight Agency
- Oversees system safety of rail projects (not otherwise
regulated by Federal Railroad Administration)
- Requires that transit agency develop System Safety and
Security Program Plans
- Requires that transit agency report unacceptable
hazardous conditions and accidents
- Conducts triennial safety audit of transit agency
What is Included in Safety Certification?
- Fixed facilities - stations, track, guideway, yards,
and shops
- Systems - vehicles, traction power, train control,
communications, track, ventilation, elevators/escalators
- Rules and procedures
- Training
Who has Final Authority for Safety Certification?
- Transit agency Executive Director has final authority
and responsibility for safety certification
- Delegates agency person to manage safety certification
- Safety Review Committee (senior managers) reviews and
approves documents
Certifiable Elements List
- Vehicle
- Signals
- Communications
- Traction Power Systems
- Track and Structures
- Yards and Shop
- Stations/Parking Lots
- Integrated Tests
- Rules, Plans, Procedures
- Training
- Emergency Drills
Safety Criteria
- Safety incorporated into design to provide safe and
reliable movement of passengers throughout the rail system
- Based on local, state, and federal codes and standars
and industry practice
- Scope - electrification, communications, track,
tunnels, stations, LRT signals, traffic signals, signage
Design and Construction Checklist
- Identify that applicable safety-related design criteria
are in contract documents
- Verify that safety-related contract requirements are
constructed and installed correctly
Integrated Tests
- Verify that systems, equipment, and facilities function
properly when combined
- Test program plan and test procedures specify which
integrated tests will be performed
- Designer, resident inspector, and operating personnel
support these tests
Rules, Plans, and Procedures
- Operating rules
- Emergency response procedures
- Accident investigation/reporting procedures
- Maintenance manuals for vehicles, signals, facilities,
- Operators
- Dispatchers
- Maintenance personnel
- Fire services
- Police services
- Emergency medical services
Emergency Drills
- Test rail system readiness for response to emergencies
- Simulate rail emergencies
- Identify corrective actions
- Safety review committee tracks corrective actions to
Hazard Identification and Resolution
- Safety hazards are identified during design,
construction, testing
- Hazards need to be eliminated or controlled
- May require redesign (and design change notice) after
item is in the field
- Tracked to resolution by the safety review committee
- Periodic audits of safety certification documentation
are conducted
- State safety oversight staff often participates
- Audit team conducts on-site audits
- Backup documentation is critical
Safety Certification Verification Report
- Executive summary
- Design and construction checklists
- Integrated testing
- Emergency drills
- Rules, plans, and procedures
- Training
- Hazard identification and resolution
- Audits