APTA Streetcar and
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Heritage Trolley Site
Hosted by the Seashore Trolley Museum
Oklahoma City - December 2009

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Oklahoma City, OK — Streetcar Initiative Approved

Rail Transit Online, December 2009

On Dec. 8 voters endorsed the comprehensive $777-million MAPS 3 public works program that includes a downtown streetcar, commuter rail and construction of an intermodal transit hub. The margin of victory exceeded 54 percent even though only 31 percent of those registered bothered to cast ballots.

The scheme will be financed by a temporary one-percent sales tax that begins Apr. 1. There is no construction schedule as yet but the transit portion would cost approximately $130 million. There will be a five- or six-mile (8 km-9.6 km) streetcar line linking major downtown attractions and the Oklahoma River, while commuter rail would use an existing freight right-of-way to connect Oklahoma City with Norman.


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