APTA Streetcar and
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Heritage Trolley Site
Hosted by the Seashore Trolley Museum

Oklahoma City - July 2014


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Oklahoma City, OK — RFP For Modern Streetcars

July 2014

The Streetcar advisory panel met Wednesday, July 23, and considered a proposal to acquire four streetcars with an option for eight additional cars, according to a city document. Consultant Jacobs Engineering prepared technical specifications for the cars and they are listed in a 257-page document.

Manufacturers have until 4 p.m. Sept. 25, 2014 to respond to the Request for Proposals [RFP].  A pre-proposal meeting will be held at 1 p.m. Aug. 21 at the city's MAPS office. The vehicles are to operate with Overhead Contact System at a voltage of 750V DC. Vehicles can be 65 to 88 feet in length and 8.04 to 8.86 feet wide.
The streetcars can be no higher than 13.08 feet with pantograph retracted and the low floor is to be a maximum of 14.17 inches over rails.

Maximum reach of the pantograph will be 20.51 feet. Couplers that fold or retract under the car body are required.

"Unless the contractor proposes a 100 percent (100%) off-wire system, vehicle power shall be collected from the overhead contact system (OCS) by a roof-mounted upward pressure sliding pantograph," the RFP says. However, battery or capacitor equipment will be required for non-OCS operation.


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