El Paso, TX — Industry Review Planned
October 2014
The Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority (CRRMA) in El Paso, Texas, announced plans to host industry review meetings
the week of November 10th to gather industry input on the El Paso Streetcar Project, an urban streetcar system
currently in the final design phase. The streetcar system will link the International Bridges, downtown, the Cincinnati Entertainment District and
University of Texas at El Paso, among other area attractions. Construction
will consist of approximately 4.8 miles of track, 27 streetcar stops, related street improvements, and a vehicle
maintenance and storage facility near the existing Sun Metro Downtown Transfer Center. The planned procurement
will include streetcar vehicles (reconstruction of existing cars and/or delivery of replicas).
A Request for Information (RFI) seeking industry input will be issued on or about October 13, 2014, and will
include project information, reference information documents, RFI submission requirements, and a feedback
questionnaire for respondents who will have the opportunity to meet in person with project representatives in a
one-on-one format. Project representatives intend to solicit confidential industry comments about the proposed
details of project procurement, design, testing, and start-up.
A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for contractor teams will be issued shortly after the industry reviews and may
take into consideration information gathered during the referenced one-on-one meetings. Participation in the RFI
process is not a requirement to respond to the RFQ when issued.
Tentative Industry Review Schedule:
• October 13, 2014. RFI announcement.
• November 7, 2014. Responses to RFI questionnaire due.
• November 10-12, 2014. Conduct one-on-one meetings with scheduled industry participants.
The RFI will be available to view through multiple agencies and other outlets, which may include: www.crrma.org,
Texas AGC, Texas CEC, www.apta.com, www.elpasotexas.gov, and the project contact list. For direct notice and
future information updates, interested parties are encouraged to provide their contact information to the project
email address, elpasostreetcar@urs.com. |